Naval expertise at the service of Civil Engineering
- Navamar specialists put their knowledge of the naval field to the service of your own experts for civil engineering projects on water.
- Marine consultant for the purchase of marine equipment (barge, boat).
82 metre walkway bridge with floating and swiveling base
A client unable to resolve a technical challenge critical to its operations turned to Navamar for a solution. In addition to Navamar, the client called upon more experts from large European and North American firms to solve their problem.
Navamar came up with the concept of an 82 metre-long walkway bridge landing on a fourteen barge assembly. The gantry crane can lift the bridge up to an inclination of 18 degrees. The walkway rotates +/- 22 degrees. Of all suggested concepts, the solution provided by Navamar was by far the cheapest and quickest to put in place. Navamar assisted the client in all stages of the realization.